Paul B. Preciado
He is a philosopher, curator, and one of the leading thinkers in the study of gender and sexual politics. An honors graduate and Fulbright Fellow, he earned a MA in Philosophy and Gender Theory at the New School for Social Research in New York, where he studied with Agnes Heller and Jacques Derrida. He holds a PhD in Philosophy and Theory of Architecture from Princeton University. Paul’s first book, Contra-Sexual Manifesto (Columbia University Press) was acclaimed by French critics as “the red book of queer theory” and became a key reference for European queer and trans activism. He is the author of Testo Junkie. Sex, Drugs and Biopolitics (The Feminist Press) and Pornotopia (Zone Books), for which he was awarded the Sade Price in France.
Paul has been Head of Research of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA) and Director of the Independent Studies Program (PEI) from 2011 to 2014. He has taught Philosophy of the Body and Transfeminist Theory at Université Paris VIII-Saint Denis and at New York University. From 2014 to 2017 he was Curator of Public Programs of documenta 14 (Kassel/Athens). Currently, he is the curator of the Taiwan pavilion for the Venice Biennale 2019.
Update: 25 July 2018