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Sónar+D CCCB 2020

Creativity, Technology & Music



Sónar presents Sónar+D CCCB 2020, an extraordinary edition both in virtual and physical formats. The online program will coexist with live activities at the CCCB. A total of 140 artists and speakers will take part in over 70 activities including concerts, debates, DJ sets, workshops, exhibitions and new formats, focusing on local talent and creativity.

Sónar introduces a new format, through more channels than ever before. For the first time, Sónar will become an audiovisual and digital platform, with all its programming available online from the web (on and via two free streaming channels and exclusive on-demand contents . In addition, the event will take over the CCCB across both days with live activities, with limited attendance. In addition, some of the content will be broadcasted on betevé, Barcelona's public television.

The program includes premieres and exclusive shows by Max Cooper, Arca, Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés, Ryoji Ikeda, Nicola Cruz, Morad, Ms Nina, Niño de Elche, the talk between Holly Herndon and Richie Hawtin, or the special collaborations in immersive audiovisual format by Alba G. Corral with Carles Viarnés,  and between John Talabot and Desilence, among others.

The topics of environmental awareness and the relationship between art and science stand out in the program of conferences and presentations.

Mandatory pre-registration to enjoy both the virtual and face-to-face activities will be open via from this Monday 14 September at 10:00 am CET. 

All information available at and

This activity is part of Sónar

Upcoming activities at the CCCB


The Ancestral Future

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