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The Thinking Machine

Round table: The Talking Machine

Facilitated by: Caterina Balcells, Núria Castell and Eduard Elias

Courses and workshops


Human language is a system of symbols. By applying computational linguistics to it, we can understand and reproduce how these symbols are combined, in various languages. This combination of symbols enables machines to speak, write and change from one system to the other—they can realise Llull’s translation dream: talking to everyone in their own language.

Facilitated by: Caterina Balcells, head of the Inbenta team of linguists; Núria Castell, researcher (among other subjects) into automatic processing of natural language and automatic translation, and Eduard Elias, computer engineer.

Participants: Caterina Balcells, Núria Castell, Eduard Elias

This activity is part of The Thinking Machine

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