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Quantum physics explained by Quantum Fracture, CdCiencia and La Gata de Schrödinger



Science outreach has found an innovative means of expression and reaching new audiences on the Internet. YouTubers explain quantum in a straightforward, original, fun way. A breath of fresh air that brings an informal, up-to-date approach to knowledge.

At #QuantumChallenge, we’ll get to see the YouTubers’ talent live. Far from their usual habitat (on screen), they’ll take the stage in the CCCB Hall for a live dialectic ‘battle’. They’ll explain fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics and the audience will choose the winner of the Quantum Challenge. Before the ‘battle’, fans and anyone interested can spend some time with the YouTubers while they visit the “Quantum” exhibition.

The great popularity of the videos Quantum Fracture, La gata de Schrödinger, CdeCiencia and La Hiperactina post regularly on their science YouTube channels shows that people are getting more and more interested in science. Their videos combine rigour, sense of humour and ingenuity, three essential ingredients for communicating and making complex science concepts accessible.


17.30 - 18.30 – Quantum Fracture, La gata de Schrödinger, La Hiperactina and CdeCiencia visit the “Quantum” exhibition. You can take selfies and delve into the quantum universe in this CCCB exhibition. FREE ENTRANCE with the code CUÁNTICACHALLENGE.

19.00 - 20.30 – #QuantumChallenge: a battle to explain and understand quantum physics.

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