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My mother and the total invasion

Theatrical play about the war in Ukraine


Playwright Sasha Denisova narrates the life of her mother, Olga Ivanovna, who was born in Kiev during the German bombings of World War II and today resists in the city under the Russian invasion.

Kiev. A woman participates in the defense of the city from the dining room of her house. With a pair of army binoculars she observes the area entrusted to her and has a direct line to Zelenski. She refuses to leave. This is how My Mother and the Total Invasion begins, a monologue about the life of Olga Ivanovna, mother of the author of the play, who lives in Kiev and was born in this city during the German bombings of the Second World War, in 1941. A life stuck between two wars that unite the stories of love and intimacy between mother and daughter, now separated by this new conflict.

A piece full of tenderness and irony, written and directed by Sasha Denisova and performed by the actor Aleksey Yudnikov, with the collaboration of the choreographer Konstantin Chelkaev. Sasha and Aleksey are both Ukrainians exiled in Barcelona because of the war. At the end of the play there will be a short colloquium with the authors.

This work is the result of the first Barcelona Artistes en Risc residency, a joint project of several institutions and entities to host artists at risk under the shelter of an artistic residency in Barcelona. The purpose of these residencies is to provide a safe space for artists, not only to protect their lives, but also to give them the opportunity to continue their artistic activity and to act as a loudspeaker outside their territory.

This first residency has been developed by the CCCB, the international organization Artist at Risk, the platform No Callarem, the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB-Departament d'Innovació i Arts Visuals) and the Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació, with the support of the Artists at Risk (AR) - A European Network of Safe Havens, a Creative Europe network project, funded by the European Union. It has also received the support of the Departament d'Igualtat i Feminismes de la Generalitat de Catalunya.


Artistic and Technical Staff

Playwriting and direction Sasha Denisova | Interpreting Aleksey Yudnikov | Choreography Konstantin Chelkaev | Costume design Sasha Denisova and Aleksey Yudnikov | Set design Sasha Denisova | Lighting and sound technician: Julián Hill y Berta Pérez | Audiovisual creation André Robert | Translation of the text Miquel Cabal| Subtitles 36caracteres | Production CCCB y No Callarem | With the support of the technical team of the CCCB | A project developed in residence at the Fabra i Coats Fàbrica de Creació.

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