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Patricia Santos

Patricia Santos is a graduate in Computer Engineering from the Pompeu Fabra University and holds a Master’s Degree in Media and Communication Technologies from the same university. In December 2011 she presented her PhD thesis focusing on Information. Communication and Audiovisual Media Technologies applied to education. Since the year 2007 she has been collaborating with the GTI (Interactive Technologies Group, UPF) research group where she has participated in national and international projects in the sphere of educational technology such as: APADIS, OpenDock, TENCompetence and Learn3.

She has participated in several R&D projects, mainly in the design of mobile and ubiquitous applications for educational environments and their implementation in workshops and lectures.

She is a member of Bedolina, a team focusing on back-up and support for the creation of innovative and interactive educational experiences.


Profile Patrícia Santos

Update: 10 September 2012

Has participated in

I+C+i // APPS for a new culture