Habitació 1418
Habitació 1418
New window of activity for 14-18 years olds
Courses and workshops + Festivals
The MACBA and the CCCB are offering a new window of activity for 14-18 years olds. Habitació 1418 (Room 1418) is a meeting point that happens every Saturday, from 17.00 to 22.00. It’s set up as a highly flexible platform where the users themselves shape the action. It offers a whole programme of activities with free use of the resources suggested by the MACBA and the CCCB. The programme aims to connect with young people in greater Barcelona and develop special links with the Raval.
Programme for the first term
15 and 22 February. From 0 to 100,000, with Fito Conesa
What’s a viral campaign? How does it work? Want to prepare and record your own viral video/campaign?
How a video goes from local to global. Script and record a viral teaser to publicise the Habitació 1418 project. Learn to publicise, share, and create links, posts and likes in Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
1 March. Whoever you want to be?, Morphing workshop with Fito Conesa
To celebrate Carnival we propose a Morphing workshop to virtually experiment with your faces: who you want to be?
8 and 15 March. Printart, with Hun Deok Lee
Screen-printing is a refinement of the stencilling technique used in antiquity. The natives of the Fiji Islands created one of the oldest known templates for printing fabric. This workshop teaches you all the techniques you need for DIY textile printing.
Create your own unique personalized trainers, T-shirts, skateboard...
22 March. Manual design for the music culture, with Mery Cuesta
Do you like music? Who’s your favourite group?
In this workshop find out about the different types of graphic supports used to promote a group or singer (disc cover, poster, press tools...) and learn how to design them. In the process, we’ll be trying out manual techniques such as collage, drawing and paper embossing to help you construct an experimental composition for your favourite musicians.
29 March. «Do you want to be a DJ?», with DJ Lucient
Mario G. Quelart is a versatile DJ with a panoramic view of the electronic spectrum. He has become a key figure in the congested circuit of the country’s clubs and festivals. Lucient creates elegant and eclectic sets where, as well as IDM and truncated rhythms, he brings in the latest generation disco, house and techno music.
5 April. Habitació 1418 Party Mode
Habitació 1418 takes to the street and occupies Plaça dels Àngels with live DJ and VJ sessions, workshops, skateboarding and much more.
12 and 13 April. ’Scuse me, got 50p? with Antoni Hervás
An intensive fanzine workshop to give it all for very little. Stacks of photocopies, staples and glue. Saturday at 5 pm, Sunday at 11 am.
Coinciding with Món Llibre, Habitació 1418 presents its own fanzine fair: Món Fanzine 1418.
26 April. Introduction to robotics, with Carles Soler
Robots will soon be present as a matter of course in our daily lives. In preparation for that moment, we’ll be testing participants’ ability to solve problems using a scalable, flexible robotic system.
Directors: Fito Conesa
This activity is part of Habitació 1418 (2014), Habitació 1418