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After the End of the World

Eco-fashion: Towards the Sustainability of Fashion

Courses and workshops


The textile and fashion sector is one of those that most contaminate in the world. The current environment demands, of both professionals and companies in the textile and fashion industry, that they tackle new challenges in competitiveness based on sustainability: designers, entrepreneurs and management professionals must deal with saving and finding solutions to reductions in resources and raw materials, innovating and differentiating themselves, as well as satisfying the growing demand from consumers who are increasingly more exigent regarding environmental and social issues.

The textile and fashion sector must take advantage of the opportunity represented by this market tendency and by consumers with greater awareness of environmental issues. This will allow them to situate companies and the industry in the global context, in the direction that experts and institutions alike consider must be the future for the sector. “In the year 2020, the competitiveness of territories will be measured by their capacity to develop sustainable models” according to the document “2020 Vision. Barcelona Strategic Plan 2020”, drawn up by Barcelona City Council and in line with the policies promoted in Europe which focus on innovation and sustainability as strategic factors.

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