The crime of forced disappearance consists in the illegal detention, torture and frequently murder of people by the State, or agents acting in its name, with the aim of terrorising a certain social group and giving out a message of impunity to the civilian population. Identified as a crime against humanity by the International Criminal Court and the United Nations, its escalation in recent decades calls for reflection on the ways in which present-day states deal with their internal conflicts. Silence and denial of aggression, which tend to go hand in hand with this atrocity, become strategies of undercover wars that set up the premise of “no victim, no crime”. This opens up wounds that can never heal in populations that are unable to discover the truth or mourn their dead.
This debate, accompanying the exhibition “Disappeared”, aims to inquire into a phenomenon that, even while declared indictable by the international institutions, is an appalling ongoing reality.
Tuesday, 8 February:
“Searching for the Disappeared”
7 p.m. Introduction with Gervasio Sánchez, photojournalist
7.30 p.m. Panel discussion with:
Viviana Díaz, former president of the Agrupación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos (AFDD – Association of Families of the Detained and Disappeared) of Chile.
Luis Fondebrider, president of the Equipo Argentino de Arqueología Forense (Argentine Forensic Archaeology Team).
Susana Navarro, psychologist and coordinator of the project “Trabajo Psicosocial en Procesos de Exhumaciones” (Psychosocial Work in Exhumation Processes) in the Guatemala Team of Community Studies and Psychosocial Action (ECAP).
Moderator: Sandra Balsells, photojournalist.
Wednesday, 9 March
7.30 p.m: “Human Rights and the Politics of Memory: Limits and Challenges”
Andreas Huyssen, Professor of German Philology and Comparative Literature at Columbia University and author of Modernismo después de la posmodernidad (Modernism after Postmodernity - Gedisa, 2010).
Moderator: Antonio Monegal, Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona.
Wednesday, 30 March
7.30 p.m.: “The Case of the Mass Graves of the Civil War and Franco Dictatorship”
Emilio Silva, journalist, president of the Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Historica (Association for the Recovery of Historic Memory).
Paco Etxeberría, lecturer in Legal and Forensic Medicine at the University of the Basque Country.
Moderator: Gervasio Sánchez, photojournalist.
Presenters: Gervasio Sánchez
Moderators: Sandra Balsells, Antonio Monegal, Gervasio Sánchez
Participants: Viviana Díaz, Luis Fondebrider, Susana Navarro, Andreas Huyssen, Emilio Silva, Paco Etxeberría
This activity is part of Disappeared
Related contents
Disappeared. Searching for the Disappeared
Round Table with Gervasio Sánchez, Viviana Diaz, Luis Fondebrider and Susana Navarro