Emilio Silva
Journalist, president of the Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Historica (Association for the Recovery of Historic Memory)
(Navarra, 1965). Emilio Silva is a journalist and president of the Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica (ARMH – Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory), the aim of which is to locate and identify the victims of the repression during the Spanish Civil War and the Franco dictatorship. The association was founded in 2000, coinciding with the exhumation of the mass grave of Priaranza del Bierzo in the Province of León, this being the first to be carried out using archaeological and forensic techniques. The remains of thirteen Republican militants were found in the grave, including those of Emilio Silva’s grandfather. Since then he has headed ARMH projects in Spain and has called on the government for justice in the cases of the people who disappeared during the Spanish repression. He has described the work of ARMH in the book Las fosas de Franco (Franco’s Graves – Temas de Hoy, 2003), which is co-authored with Santiago Macias.