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Anti-Gutter 2

Concerts, Workshops, Self-Publishing Fair and Exhibition of Strane Dizioni Publishers

Festivals + Music


This spring sees the return to the CCCB of Anti-Gutter, the self-publishing fair that is an offshoot of Gutter Fest. 

Throughout the day you can enjoy concerts, workshops, an exhibition of Strane Dizioni publishers created specially for the occasion, and the presence of over 60 exhibitors from the world of fanzines, comics, illustration and other formats. 


12.00  Tronco
13.00  Pablo Volt i J.G.G.
18.00  La Valeriana
19.00  Elsa de Alfonso
20.00  Tigre Balsámico
21.00  Missex


11:00 Workshop with Miguel Pang (Taller Fosforito) 

12:30 "Choose Your Destiny: Fanzines and Dice" with Escola la Gossa
Fanzine creation workshop based on play and chance, taking the premise of the comic book artist as its protagonist. 

16:00 "Vegetal Vision" with Emma Roulette
Plant identification, scientific illustration and their creative use.

17:30 "Fanzine and Action: Creative Process for Strategic Minds" with Escola la Gossa
Workshop to create characters (creatures) that we will bring head to head in dice games in pairs. The games will give us the story to illustrate and compile to create a fanzine. 



Álvaro Giraldo, Aguilar e hijos, Apa Apa, Bàrbara Alca, Bemba Ediciones, Camille Vannier, Celia Gaultier, Celia Ruiz, Clara Prous & Aguas Mayores, Colmenares, Conxita Herrero, danke panke, Derroche, DIBUJO X100PRE, Dora Sidorenko X Irena Ilina, Edd Hoods, ediciones del pubis, Ediciones Populares, Emma Roulette, Enter Press, Escola La Gossa, Evin Collis, Fàstic Bombàstic, Francesc Estrada, Garabato, gomaloca, Grieta Fértil, Impremta Col·lectiva, Invasión 77 (taller artes oscuras), Johnny Cigarette, Jorge Parras, Julia Abalde, Jumbo Press, Katherine y N.R. Killian, las lolas, La Valeriana, Laura Mestre, Leire Hirmutunai, Lina Castañeda, Llamp Edicions, Mallorzines, Manu Guayre, Marc Torices, Marc Torrent i Clara Tanit, Marlene Krause, Nadia Hafid, Naida Mazzenga, Noemí Vola, Núria Just, Pablo Taladro, Pablo Volt y J.G.G., Pau Anglada, Paula Guerrero, Pezones Como Mortadelas, PILAT, Punkzic, Strane Dizioni, Rat Salad, Ricardo Manticorín + Alex Solé + BCNmata, Roberta Vázquez, Sam Grant, Sello Fantasma, Taller Fosforito, Taller la Roda, TD Papeles, TOTXRES, Urtikarie, Victor Lama, Vraja Bihari, x_x


Exhibition: Strane Dizioni’s 5840 Night Shifts

5840 is the number of days of existence of the Strane Dizioni project. Night shifts is the frame of mind that has always best described SD’s attitude to work: if you can complete a screen-printing job, even if it means sacrificing hours of the night, why not finish it?

The exhibition presents a selection of works from the 16 years of the publisher’s existence. Plates and books produced from 2008 to the present will be on display, all handmade with patience, love and, of course, sleepless nights.

Based on the artwork created specially by German illustrator Henning Wagenbreth, the show also presents an installation created for the occasion by Brutta Botta, a group of scenographers, musicians and artists who have always dialogued with SD, especially in the exhibition context.


Presentation of the book «En Busca de la Libertad» 

«5840 Night Shifts» opens on 17 May at 20.00 h. Before the opening, at 18.30 h, Ignacio Simal and Guille R.Montero will present the book «En Busca de la Libertad». The book was written by Ignacio Simal when he was 11 years old and Strane Dizione screen printed and bounded it by hand.

The Anti-Gutter is part of the free activities that take place at the CCCB on Museum's Day and Night.

Participants: Strane Dizioni, La Gossa

Directors: Gutter Fest

Upcoming activities at the CCCB

Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation

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