
New Activism

Commitment and militancy, networking, new social involvement and global citizenship
Activities in edition March 25th, 26th and 27th, 2010
Exploring the implications of mobile technologies in the contemporary urban culture
Saturday 27 March, 19:00, Hall
Hello Africa
Saturday 27 March, 12:00, The Auditorium
Cell Phone. The ring heard around the world
Saturday 27 March, 13:00, The Auditorium
Activities in edition November 26th, 27th and 28th, 2009
The Solar Century
The past, present and world changing future of solar energy
Saturday 28 November, 19:30, Hall
Open Sailing
Autonomous Architecture Workshop for teenagers
Friday 27 November, 10:00, Hall
The 11th hour
Saturday 28 November, 17:04, The Auditorium
Saturday 28 November, 17:00, The Auditorium
A Beginner's Guide to Giving a Damn
Thursday 26 November, 17:30, The Auditorium
Activities in edition March 25, 26, 27 and 28, 2009
Our Place in the Cosmos
Saturday 28 March, 19:00, Hall
From Crisis to Transformation
Navigating Through Times of Uncertainty
Thursday 26 March, 19:00, Hall
Degrowth as a Way Out of the Crisis
Wednesday 25 March, 19:00, Hall
Activities in edition November 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2008
MiniFest of NOW Documentaries
Thursday 27 November, 17:00, The Auditorium
Inside USA: The Politics of Rice
Sunday 30 November, 19:30, The Auditorium
Shared Assets: The Final Attack
Sunday 30 November, 18:15, The Auditorium
Apaga y vámonos (“Switch Off and Go”)
Saturday 29 November, 17:35, The Auditorium
The Reverse Graffiti Project
Friday 28 November, 18:45, The Auditorium
Friday 28 November, 18:47, The Auditorium
Bomb It
Friday 28 November, 18:50, The Auditorium
Friday 28 November, 18:40, The Auditorium
Activities in edition April 3, 4 and 5, 2008
Free Software
The Time for Human Rights
Saturday 05 April, 19:30, Hall
Reclaiming the City
Street Art, Graphic Dissidence and Counter Advertising
Thursday 03 April, 10:00, Hall
BCC - Bank of Common Knowledge (BCC)
A project by Platoniq
Activities in edition November 29, 30 and December 1, 2007
Reclaiming the City
Street Art, Graphic Dissidence and Counter Advertising
Friday 30 November, 10:00
Reclaiming the City: Street Art, Graphic Dissidence and Counter Advertising
Friday 30 November, 19:00, Hall
Reclaim Power
Thursday 29 November, 17:30, The Auditorium
Activities in edition March 22, 23 and 24, 2007
A World Without Copyright?
The abolition of copyright and a new scenario for the production and distribution in the arts
Thursday 22 March, 19:00, Hall
Transmit – Distribute – Share
Platoniq Open Office
5 pm to 9.30 pm, The Auditorium
Activities in edition November 23, 24 and 25, 2006
Earthlings, 2004, 95'
Saturday 25 November, 17:00, The Auditorium
Bank of Common Knowledge (BCC)
A project