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New Activism
Commitment and militancy, networking, new social involvement and global citizenship
A Green New Deal
A report produced on 21 July 2008 by the Green New Deal Group and published by the New Economics Foundation setting out a series of proposals to deal with climate change, the current economic crisis and the rise in crude oil prices. More information about the project at: -
Global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is to topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will live in the 21st century.
A project created by a group of economists aiming to reflect on and disseminate economic facts from a different, more critical viewpoint, taking as its core interest those facets of economic activity that have the greatest impact on human welfare. It is also an online platform for disseminating content that mainstream media do not generally broadcast or deliver. The aim is to spread ideologies to combat neoliberalism intellectually.
Altruists International (Helping Others)
A grassroots movement for social change, Altruists International promotes altruism and encourages people to think more about the welfare of others. The website presents numerous articles and books on the operation of today’s monetary system and proposes alternative projects based on altruism.
Arte y Electricidad
Project of the Fundación Arteleku. Interactive proposals, audio, net art, multimedia, video, flash, design, etc.
First international activist festival dedicated to human rights, child welfare, animal welfare and the preservation of the environment through films, visual art and music.
The Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions to Aid Citizens (ATTAC) is an international movement promoting democratic control of financial markets and the institutions that regulate them.
ATTAC Catalunya
The local branch of this organisation.
Casino Crash
An initiative of the Transnational Institute & Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC, USA. Both institutions have long been warning of the dangers of the financial bubble. The aim of the blog is to provide a space for critical analyses of the financial crisis.
Centre de Recerca i Informació al Consum (CRIC)
An independent, not-for-profit citizens’ association created in Barcelona in 1996 from a private initiative, whose aim is to analyse the repercussions of consumption. Its activities currently focus on the publication of the magazine Opcions and the organisation of talks and courses.
Opcions magazine: -
Ciudad sonora
This group researches into the sonorous dimension of social life with the aim of developing dynamics of permanent research into sound and its perceptive, political and aesthetic dimensions and thereby encouraging and participating in bringing about activities and interventions that reflect on the sonorous dimension of urban life.
Col.lectiu d’Estudis sobre Cooperació i Desenvolupament
A group of activists and experts whose main aims are to critically analyse international cooperation and to review aid models and practices from a depoliticised perspective. One of its intervention proposals focuses on degrowth movements:
Consume hasta morir
A collective reflecting on the consumer society we inhabit, using one of its own instruments – advertising – to show the extent to which one can die consuming. The project has its origins in the association Ecologistas en Acción (Ecologists in Action), a state-wide confederation arising from the fusion in 1998 of over 300 Spanish ecologist groups.
A project reflecting on consumer society that uses one of that society’s own tools – advertising – to demonstrate the extent of consumer practices. It was developed by the Ecologistas en Acción association, a Spanish confederation created in 1998 when over 300 ecology groups joined forces.
Consumir menos, vivir mejor
Practical ideas for responsible consumption.
COOP57 is a service cooperative that uses its own resources to give loans to social economy projects promoting employment, fostering cooperative movements, associations and solidarity in general, and endorsing a sustainability based on ethical and solidarity principles.
A one-off initiative promoted by a group of activists who, as individuals, use this platform to denounce the current economic system and build alternatives.
The website includes a blog by Enric Durán and the two issues of the magazine Crisi in PDF format: -
Crisis Energética
A website for divulgation and debate on fossil fuel depletion and the current energy crisis. It contains a lot of information that analyses the crisis and discusses potential alternatives for a transition towards new energy models. It is the main information medium of the Asociación para el Estudio de los Recursos Energéticos (AEREN).
Czech Dream
This documentary comedy analyses the mechanisms of manipulation in consumer society, starting out from the sales campaign of a supermarket that never existed.
An information portal that analyses different ways in which the media deceive us and about how to organise alternative information systems.
Eco-union. Association of Professionals for the Environment
A not-for-profit association offering applied ecology services and developing projects in each of its action areas: energy, water, bio-construction, mobility and eco-design. Its organisational structure is independent, flat and participative.
A multidisciplinary artist who bases his works on the development or modification of videogames. The issues that he tackles are the relationship between the documentary and fiction, cultural representation in the new technologies, etc.
etoy.CORPORATION crosses and blurs the frontiers between art, identity, nations, fashion, politics, technology, social engineering, music, power and business to produce an impact on the worldwide markets and digital culture.
European Ethical and Alternative Financing Company (SEFEA)
A consortium of financial institutions created to provide financial support to European ethical and solidarity-based institutions and to foster their growth and development. Furthermore, SEFEA finances European economic and social development projects that value and protect the environmental, cultural and human heritage of European Union countries.
FETS-Finançament Ètic i Solidari
FETS-Finançament Ètic i Solidari is an association created in 1999 that brings together numerous entities (associations, foundations, cooperatives, etc.) wishing to promote ethical, solidarity-based financing in Catalonia.
Fundació Terra
Using the motto “let’s improve environmental culture through a change of perspective” and believing that “small changes can be powerful”, Terra Foundation’s aim is to channel and promote initiatives fostering greater societal responsibility in relation to environmental issues.
Global Justice Movement (GJM)
A movement whose aim is to present viable alternatives to traditional globalising approaches, with an emphasis on inclusiveness and universal access to resources. It particularly examines, and presents alternatives to, today’s monetary system.
Global Voices
Global Voices is a community of more than 200 bloggers around the world who work together to bring you translations and reports from blogs and citizen media everywhere, with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media.
Irational is a project by Heath Bunting that covers various artists who are interested in activism and direct action.
La Ligne d’Horizon
Since 2002, this organisation has organised the “Undoing Development, Redoing the World” event.
A counter-advertising competition, this initiative of the Observatori de Resistències i Subcultures (Observatory of Resistences and Subcultures – is carried out in collaboration with other groups such as Consume Hasta Morir (Consume Till You Die –, Sabotaje Contra el Capital Pasándoselo Pipa (Have Fun Sabotaging Capitalism –, Adbusters (, Résistance a l’Agression Publicitaire ( and people working on an individual basis. Malababa has been published as a review since June this year.
An application for GNU/Linux and OS X that allows collective editing of tactical maps to analyse questions such as resources, personal relations, illegal immigration, etc.
This simple system allows different groups to organise meetings in a centralised way based on their postcode. Its efficacy was shown during the campaign of the Democratic candidate for the presidency, Howard Dean, who managed to overtake competitors with far greater economic and advertising resources.
New American Dream
The Center for a New American Dream helps Americans consume responsibly in order to protect the environment, enhance quality of life and promote social justice.
New Economics Foundation (NEF)
An independent think tank which, through practical measures, aims to improve quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environmental and social issues. The website has a comprehensive source of bibliographical resources that can be downloaded in PDF format. -
North American Bank Users Strike
A platform along the same lines as the Catalan CRISIS collective, with which it jointly operates.
Observatori del Deute en la Globalització
A network for activism and research, focusing on the issue of North-South relations and on the creation of debts between communities in the current globalisation process. It takes a multi-disciplinary approach to studying the mechanisms associated with the financial debt that poorer countries on the periphery of the economic system owe countries in the centre, as well as the ecological, historical and social debts that countries in the centre owe countries on the periphery.
Observatori Internacional de la Crisi
Since the crisis is multi-dimensional, it is crucial to look further into the various economic, socio-political and cultural dimensions to highlight the threats and opportunities of transition in the social and political economic process and to establish ways of transforming resistance into action for change.
A socially responsible investment channel promoting social justice and turning investment into loans. Its aim is to attain a high-degree of social impact and sustainable development.
It has an office in Catalonia: -
One Earth Only TV
Directed by Santiago Vilanova, “Una Sola Tierra TV” is an ecology channel whose goal is to inform and raise awareness about global problems affecting the planet’s climate balance.
Parti pour la décroissance
Political party that arose from the Ecolo association ( “For degrowth based on equity, sustainability, and humanist, democratic, republican, non-violent and ecological values”.
Recherche & Décroissance
A website managed by the Research & Degrowth association fostering multidisciplinary research into economic degrowth. It promotes meetings and lectures on degrowth with a wide range of approaches and topics. In addition, it presents contributions and research from a number of different countries.
Richard Stallman: e-book
E-book: Software libre para una sociedad libre
RTMARK was the first society to offer limited responsibility to activists, artists and other cultural producers. Since 1994, RTMARK is recognised as a clear leader in the activist industry.
Seminari d’Economia Crítica Taifa
A forum created by economists whose aim is to understand the variables governing social dynamics in order to participate in a transformation towards an ecologically viable, just and equitable society. Its aim is to become, through meticulous economic analysis, a learning support tool for all social movements as a whole.
Steve Lambert
The artistic portfolio of the work of this activist, founder in 2004 of the Anti-Advertising Agency, includes videos, images and radio programmes.
Surveillance Camera Players
Artivist performances acted out in front of surveillance cameras to demonstrate the attack on privacy represented by these systems.
Susan George
A biographical, professional and bibliographical profile supplied by the Transnational Institute, whose planning committee is chaired by Susan George.
Technologies to the People
A project by artivist Daniel García Andújar. The work of this artist focuses on project with public intervention related with the use and abuse of technology in surveillance systems.
The Guerrilla Gardening
This blog testifies to illicit cultivation by a London collective. An interesting website for anyone who opposes denial of free use of public space.
The Influencers
This festival presents visionary projects that devise, twist and distort mass communication, popular global culture, technological propaganda and ideological fetishism.
The Yes Men
An RTMARK artivist exercise, consisting of supplanting representatives of the World Trade Organisation, Dow Chemical, etc. and then making statements that differ from each organisation’s official statements.
Time for revolt: Let’s get degrowth going!
Emerging in 2007, this nomadic group evolved from other social groups and movements. Its aim is to implement anti-power strategies fostering degrowth. It is a very practical website (coordination of meetings and activities) that also has a selection of articles and audiovisual materials. -
Trade Justice Movement (TJM)
A group of organisations including trade unions, aid agencies, environment and human rights campaigns and a consumer rights group. The movements is supported by more than 80 organisations that have over 9 million members, and it campaigns for fair trade regulated by rules designed to benefit poor people and the environment.
Transnacional Institute (TNI)
The TNI, an organisation that is not aligned with any political party, works to generate and promote international cooperation in the study of, and search for possible solutions to global problems such as militarism and conflicts, poverty and marginalisation, social injustice and deterioration of the environment.
Transnational Institute
Founded in 1974, the Transnational Institute (TNI) is an international network of activist-scholars committed to critical analyses of the global problems of today and tomorrow, with a view to providing intellectual support to those movements concerned with steering the world in a democratic, equitable and environmentally sustainable direction.
Tristan Manco
This is the website of the Bristol-based (UK) writer, artistic director and designer who has, inter alia, written and designed the following works: "Stencil Graffiti", "Street Logos" and "Graffiti Brasil".
Una Sola Terra
One of Spain’s pioneering organisations, its aims are to defend sustainable development and to promote renewable energies, volcanism, marine ecology, bioclimatic architecture and the people’s right to environmental information.
We are what we do
A new movement inspiring people to use their everyday actions to change the world.
World Forum for Alternatives
An international network of research centres providing support for emerging projects on the international convergence of social movements and other grassroots civil society actors. It builds spaces for reflection and coordination, provides social movements and NGOs with globalisation resistance information and analysis tools, and contributes to the dissemination of knowledge about ongoing international struggles.
Economics section: -
WorldChanging works from a simple premise: that the tools, models and ideas for building a better future lie all around us. That plenty of people are working on tools for change, but the fields in which they work remain unconnected. That the motive, means and opportunity for profound positive change are already present. That another world is not just possible, it's here. We only need to put the pieces together.
Xarxa d’Economia Solidària
A process that began in the mid-1990s between Catalan and Brazilian cooperatives, the network is now structured into working committees on global and international management, dissemination and solidarity funds.