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CCCB © Miquel Taverna, 2016

We advance 30 minutes our debates. Now, at 6.30 p.m

The Barcelona Debate

Time in the Digital Age

Lecture by Judy Wajcman


Sociologist Judy Wajcman reflects on how digital culture has changed the concept of time while simultaneously changing us.

More, better, faster. This is modern life. And everything is propelled by the same technology that is supposed to be making our lives easier, communication devices which, instead of enhancing our work and social relations, complicate them and hold us hostage. But what if these instruments aren’t guilty? Machines are only tools and we are the ones who design them and decide how they are to be used. Only analysis of all these aspects will enable us to understand how digital culture has changed the concept of time while simultaneously changing us.

Judy Wajcman is Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics. She has recently published Pressed for Time: The Acceleration of Life in Digital Capitalism (University of Chicago Press, 2015).

Presented by: Judit Carrera, head of the Centre for Documentation and Debate at the CCCB.

Presenters: Judit Carrera

Participants: Judy Wajcman

This activity is part of Our Time, The Barcelona Debate

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Judy Wajcman

Time in the Digital Age

Sociologist Judy Wajcman reflects on how digital culture has changed the concept of time while simultaneously changing us.

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