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Activities for groups and schools

Marina Garcés: lecture for secondary students + previous Dialogue Circle

The time of promises

Following the methodology of Matthew Lipman's 3/18 philosophy, a hundred students will meet in the Sala Raval of the CCCB to reflect in small groups on all those questions that the philosopher Marina Garcés will raise about the future. A lively dialogue with the intention of bringing philosophy closer to everyone.

This activity for high school students will take place on the morning of the Marina Garcés Lecture. The purpose of this activity is to promote philosophical thinking and dialogue, as well as the autonomy and critical capacities of students. At the same time, the activity will pave the way for the subsequent encounter with a philosopher who will reflect on the concept of the future.

Five circles of twenty students each will be organized in the Sala Raval in the CCCB. Students from each center will be mixed into different circles to encourage a variety of ideas and viewpoints, as well as encounters among students from different backgrounds. In each of these circles, a Socratic dialogue will take place on the theme of the future. The aim of the dialogue is for students to make a journey of appropriation of the idea of the future, see which conceptions of the future exist, see whether we move in the field of dystopian discourses and collapse or in the field of alternatives. It will also explore young people's agency in building the future, as well as the responsibility, personal care and commitment that all this implies. Finally, the role of philosophy in shaping the future and the problematic relations between thought and action will be addressed.

To attend this session, you must have already worked on the topic in class using the handout that you can download here. The materials and the activity prior to the conference have been prepared by high school philosophy teachers Glòria Mèlich Bolet and Núria Conejero Montal.