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Vida obrera en la Barcelona de entreguerras, 1918-1936

Urbanitats — n. 05

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This publication reflects on the social space of the worker outside the ambit of the factory, trade union or party in the inter-war period: how the spectacular growth of Barcelona between the First World War and the Spanish Civil War affected the everyday life of the working-class.
The intention was to deliberately put to one side the debates that revolve around the political and trade-unionist struggle, in order to concentrate on issues related with the world outside of these. A history that situates analysis beyond the classical focus of production and political demands to focus on the sphere of the material conditions of everyday life: housing, mass transport, urban development, leisure and spaces for working-class social life.

Authors: Mercè Tatjer, Carles Santacana, Francesc Roca, José Luis Oyón, Anna Monjo, Carmen Miralles, Eduard Masjoan, Carme García Soler, Pere Gabriel, Vicent Casals, Josep Maria Rovira, Mercedes Vilanova

Publication year: 1998

Pages: 288

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

978-84-88811-36-3 (català / castellano)


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