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Quinquis dels 80 / Quinquis de los 80

,Cinema, premsa i carrer / Cine prensa y calle


Catalan , Spanish 15€ Sold out

A generational reading on the delinquent youth culture of the eighties in Spain: their film genre, the characters and their territories, the aesthetic, music and clichés surrounding these films and an exploration of the underlying political and socioeconomic conditions that led to its emergence.   

This book incluyes a comic artists' anthology, a glossary with lexical forms associated with crime and technical information about all delinquent films.


Authors: Eloy Fernández Porta, Amanda Cuesta, Mery Cuesta, Sabino Méndez

Publication year: 2009

Pages: 208

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

Images in colour: 200

978-84-9803-339-7 (català / castellano)


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