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El vol de la fletxa

Barcelona '92: Crònica de la reinvenció de la ciutat


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"A healthy look upon the vertiginous past decade: that's the merit of Subirós and his colleagues work. It was needed an account that would arrange the accelerated steps of a marvelous decade: the one which occurs from the decision to present the candidature to the explosive, magic, happy reality of the Games of summer, 1992." - Pasqual Maragall

Authors: Josep Acebillo, Lluís Permanyer, Josep Subirós (see Pep Subirós), Joan Anton Benach, Jaume Boix Angelats, Jaume Guillamet

Publication year: 1994

Pages: 185

Dimensions: 20,5 × 29,5 cm.

Images in B/W and colour: 70

978-848-1560-077 (català)


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