Cultural Innovation International Prize
The Cultural Innovation International Prize is a biennial competition organised by the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) with the aim of incentivising projects which explore possible cultural scenarios for the coming years. It functions as a new space for creation, production and diffusion of projects concerned with developing imaginative solutions for the cultural challenges of the twenty-first century.
Any project submitted for the Prize must be a work of creation, production or exposition of contents responding in an innovative way to a key theme which is specific to each call for entries. The Prize is open to all people of legal age, of any nationality and resident in any country, who may present individually or as members of non-profit-making groups. The projects presented will be judged by a committee of experts and an international jury consisting of specialists in the designated theme.
The theme of the first award of the Prize (2014-2015) was the new audience/s, with particular emphasis on such aspects as participation and co-creation of projects with citizens.
The subject of the second award (2016-2017) was climate change: how can we create tools offering imaginative and effective contributions to the most important global challenge now faced by humanity?
The third edition (2018-2019) will be recognising innovative projects about the Internet: what can we do, from the domain of culture, to ensure a freer, more open and egalitarian Internet?
The CCCB and innovation in culture
The CCCB first opened its doors in 1994 and has, since then, developed a model of institution in which public praxis and internal reflection on work in the cultural sphere are closely entwined. The desire to experiment and innovate in formats and content while also continuing to offer the public a high-quality service led to the founding in 2010 of CCCBLab, a permanent space for reflection, practice and divulgation of changes in the cultural sphere.
A culture undergoing far-reaching changes is the framework for the CCCB’s lines of action in the coming years. The Prize is one more step in the history of the CCCB’s work in the areas of research and creation, expressing the desire to adapt the institution to major changes occurring among citizens at the local and global levels and greatly modifying forms of creation, access and distribution of knowledge.
You will find further information about research and innovation in the cultural sphere in the CCCBLab blog.
Exploring the future
One of the aims of the Prize is to encourage exploration of the cultural scene in the coming years on the basis of present signs. The Prize seeks to incentivise the formulation of projects which work as “depth sounders” of possible futures for culture. These are proposals developing models and prototypes in order to build bridges between the innovative skills of citizens and the cultural institutions at their service.
We believe that culture should help and lead citizens towards sustainable, positive development of society. This viewpoint is decisive for understanding that the Prize is not just mere recognition of a particular project but that it serves to reflect upon, explore and experience new cultural viewpoints in a world undergoing constant cultural transformation.
The Prize was born of the conviction that there are great reserves of creativity within and outside the cultural institutions and that they should be brought together. It wishes to support the establishment of networks and alliances with creative and social agents in order to incorporate innovative cultural proposals.
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Internet and Culture
Talk with the jury of the 3rd Cultural Innovation International Prize
The members of the international jury, Renata Ávila (Fundación Ciudadanía Inteligente), Marisol López (Cultura Digital, ICEC de la Generalitat de Catalunya), Nnenna Nwakanma, Laura Vidal (Global Voices) and Juan Insua (CCCB Lab), talk about their projects and the challenges and dilemmas posed by our use of Internet, as well as possible future scenarios.
Prize award presentation ceremony of the 3rd Cultural Innovation International Prize 2018-2019
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