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Cultural Innovation International Prize

Climate, culture, change

Activity programme and prize award presentation ceremony of the 2nd Cultural Innovation International Prize 2016-2017


We will be holding two days of activities around the awarding of the 2nd Cultural Innovation International Prize and the central theme of the 2016-2017 edition: climate change, which is one of the central pillars of the CCCB’s programme for this year.

The programme includes an Agora for getting to know the shortlisted projects first-hand, a series of talks about climate change, culture and sustainability given by members of the judging panel, the ceremony presenting the prize to the winning project and a closing party.


Projects Agora
Tuesday 20 June / 17.30 - 21.00

The Teatre CCCB becomes a meeting point and place for dialogue with the authors of the ten shortlisted projects with the judging panel and the attending public. Firstly, we will make an exhibition space available to authors so that they can show their proposals and secondly, we will give them a chance to talk so that they can defend them in the most attractive way possible and respond to the answers of those attending, before the deliberation of the jury which will take place the following day.

The Agora will being with a welcome speech given by Juan Insua (director of the CCCB Lab) and José Luis de Vicente (curator of the exhibition “After the End of the World”, CCCB, 2017). Irene Lapuente (La Mandarina de Newton) is responsible for moderating the session.

Shortlisted projects

  • < 3 Earth (Barcelona)
  • Eat Drink Spill Hope (Amsterdam)
  • Postdigital Strategies for the Anthropocene (Balaguer / Barcelona)
  • Hoy es un día cualquiera, a mediados de 2030 (Today's Just Like Any Other Day, in the mid 2030s, Madrid)
  • L'oda al futur (Ode to the future, Catalonia)
  • La ruleta Gaia (The Gaia Roulette, Chuquicamata / Munich / Barcelona / Malaga / Ourense)
  • The Apocalypse Project (Manila)
  • The Newton Machine (Copenhagen / Funchal)
  • Upcycling de Barri (Neighbourhood Upcycling, Barcelona)
  • We Are All Climate Refugees (Paris / Mexico City / Barcelona / New York)

More information on the shortlisted proposals


Dialogues with the jury
Wednesday, 21 June / 17.30 - 19.45

The members of the jury of this edition talk about their management projects and experiences and chat with journalist Cristina Sáez  and with the audience about key aspects linked to climate change and culture.

17.30 /
Sustainable Cultural Management
Laura Pando (programme director of Julie’s Bicycle)

Laura Pando presents the activities of Julie's Bicycle, a non-profit institution that works with the creative industries to coordinate and promote better practices within the area of sustainability and to develop cultural leadership around climate problems. It has helped over 1,000 organisations, from the UK and from all around the world, to understand their carbon footprint and commit to reducing it, by giving practical support and clear advice, based on the best studies, resources and tools available.

18.15 / Assuming climate change as a fascinating challenge
Laura Faye Tenenbaum (editor at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Instead of seeing climate change as a struggle, a test or a burden that we have to drag along and cope with, what would happen if we decided to be enthusiastic with the possibilities the future offers us? A way of doing this is to find something in the natural world, focus on it and occupy ourselves with it with more intensity rather than worrying about the struggle or the challenge. Let’s talk about the science of climate change and three ways of dealing with the overwhelming feelings and thoughts towards the complexity and magnitude of the problem.

19.00 /
Making the invisible visible: art and science for involving the public in climate change
Lucy Wood (producer of cultural programmes and director of ArtCop21)

Based on her work at Cape Farewell and her projects with organisations such as Invisible Dust and Arts Development Company, Lucy Wood presents a range of recent projects or projects in preparation that give life to climate change through our relationship with food, the oceans, the way we move around the planet and the air we breathe every day. And it show us how, when analysing climate change from this proposal, we open up the door to a healthier, carbon-free future.


Prize award presentation ceremony
Wednesday 21 June / 20.00 - 21.00

The announcement of the jury’s decision and the presentation of the 2016-2017 Prize to the winning project are the central acts of a ceremony led by poet Sílvia Bel, accompanied by musician Xavi Lloses.

The evening will end with a farewell drink that will add a festive finishing touch to the ceremony for the presentation of the 2nd Cultural Innovation International Prize.

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