Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil
Writer, linguist and researcher
Aguilar’s work is focused on the study and promotion of linguistic diversity, especially with regards to the endangered original languages of Mexico, as is the case with her native tongue, Mixe. Aguilar has participated in many projects on the documentation of linguistic diversity and has developed informational material in indigenous languages. She is also a member of Colmix (Colegio Mixe), a youth collective that organises activities in the research and promotion of Mixe language, history and culture. Alongside her linguistic work, Aguilar is involved in activity to raise awareness of environmental rights, especially related to water shortages. She has written in the journals Letras Libres and Nexos, and regularly publishes in the newspaper El País. She has collaborated with the Juan de Córdova Research Library (Oaxaca, Mexico) and writes the blog Ayuujk, in the digital platform Este País. She is the author of the book Ää. Manifiestos sobre la diversidad lingüística (Almadía, 2023) and has collaborated in volumes such as Tsunami (Sexto Piso, 2018) and Volver a contar (Anagrama, 2021).
Update: 8 February 2023