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Txalo Toloza-Fernández

Performer, videomaker, and stage director. Born in 1975 in the city of Antofagasta, in the coast of the Atacama Desert. Trained as a video artist in Santiago de Chile and as a performer and stage artist in Barcelona, where he has resided and worked since 1997. In 2005, he created the audiovisual studio MiPrimerDrop, specialized on videographic work and dedicated to living arts and performance art. Since 2015, he has been a member of the performing arts company Azkona&Toloza, together with the Basque choreographer Laida Azkona Goñi. The different pieces that form the stage documentary trilogy PACÍFICO, which explores the close relationship that has been forged between the barbaric treatment inflicted on the indigenous peoples of Latin America, their land, and settlements, the development of neocolonialism, and the various forms of expression of contemporary culture, are his last stage works premiered. Among other festivals, his own work and involvement in various projects have been presented in Feria ARCO de Madrid, Festival Grec de Barcelona, Roma-Europa de Roma, Festival d’Automne of Paris, and the Festival de Teatro Iberoamericano de Cádiz.

Update: 15 December 2022


Has participated in

AzkonaToloza, Rodrigo Rammsy and Elisenda Pallarés

Mineral song: Concert and geological conversation

Conversation with Maria Campbell

Writing as a Halfbreed