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Sílvia Bel

A Barcelona-born poet who reveals gender prejudices in literature in her show A cegues.

Sílvia Bel Fransi (Barcelona, 1982), poet, has a degree in Journalism (UAB) and a master’s degree in Training Teachers to Teach Catalan to Adults (UB). She has published three books of poems, L’esbós (7dquatre, 2010), Fila índia enfora (Curbet Edicions, CCG, 2012) and Lluíííís (Viena, 2015), and has collaborated on various collective volumes, such as Els fulls de l’escriptori. Els veïnatges de la poesia (Curbet Edicions, 2011), Màscares i reclams: 20 dones poetes interpreten Montserrat Abelló (Curbet Edicions, 2011), Donzelles de l’any 2000. Antologia de dones poetes dels Països Catalans (Editorial Mediterrània, 2013), and Autisme. Trenquem el silenci amb poesía (Viena Edicions, 2014).

Bel has worked with the artists Sílvia Comes (with whom she presented the shows Esperit de VinyoliAparaulades amb Espriu and Aparaulades amb les dones) and Clara Peya, on the recital Bones vibracions.

Update: 19 April 2017



Has participated in

Climate, culture, change

Activity programme and prize award presentation ceremony of the 2nd Cultural Innovation International Prize 2016-2017

Kosmopolis 2017

9th Amplified Literature Fest