Gisela Detrell
Doctor Gisela Detrell graduated in Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2009, and completed her doctorate in reliability analysis of life-support systems for long space missions at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2015. She currently heads the Life Support and Energy Systems research group at the Institute of Space Systems (University of Stuttgart). Her research includes the analysis and simulation of life-support systems and technological development to enable the use of microalgae to produce oxygen and food during long crewed spaceflight and includes the experiment at the International Space Station, PBR@LSR. Gisela is a board member of SONet (The Sustainable Offworld Network), a community of professionals dedicated to the development of sustainable human settlements on other worlds.
Update: 19 May 2021