David Fernàndez
Journalist and social activist
Since 2004 he has been working at Coop57, a pioneering cooperative in ethical alternative finances. He is involved in La Directa, a news project serving social movements and is author of Cròniques del 6 i altres detalls de la claveguera policial (Chronicles of the 6 and Other Details of the Police Cesspit, Virus, 2008), Foc a la barraca (Fire in the Shack, Lo Diable Gros, 2011), and August Gil Matamala: al principi de tot hi ha la guerra (August Gil Matamala: At the Very Beginning was the War, Sembra, 2017). He has edited Llums i Taquígrafs. Atles de la Corrupció als Països Catalans (Lights and Stenographers: Atlas of Corruption in the Catalan Language Territories, Pol·len, 2016), and L’Ovidi se’n va a la Beckett (Ovidi Goes to the Sala Beckett, Sembra/Propaganda, 2021). He was a member of the eleventh legislature of the Catalan Parliament (2012 – 2015) as a member of CUP-Alternativa d'Esquerres and, from 2016 to 2020, he and Xavier Antich ran the section “El Racó de Pensar” of Monica Terribas’ radio programme “El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio”. He is presently a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Projecte Lliures (Free From inequalities, poverty, and exclusion), promoted since 2016 by Òmnium Cultural, ECAS (Catalan Entities for Social Action), and Coop57. He is a member of the group Amical de Mauthausen. Reading Montserrat Roig’s book Els catalans als camps nazis in the 1990s changed his present and future.
Update: 19 July 2021