The life of toys: a moral journey
Soy cámara online
After the Christmas orgy of consumption, in which children are the main victims of many advertising campaigns, we offer a critical work about toys and their treatment in the audiovisual world. “Play is the mother of all habits” said Walter Benjamin, and based on this and other ideas, the video explores some central issues of the world of the toy (literally and metaphorically): from dolls and their houses, via balloons and horses, to guns. It also includes some reflections by the poet Isabel Escudero on the importance of stories and against the invasion of children’s imaginaries by the powerful audiovisual industry.
This collaboration with Soy Cámara forms part of a larger investigative project by Marta Sureda, called “Som Joguines” (We are toys). With the support of La Volta, Kreas (Girona City Council) and Agita (Figueres Town Council).
Authors: Fèlix Pérez-Hita, Marta Sureda
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19 January 2018