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Responsible Consumption and Degrowth

Excess, acceleration and the way we consume food and purchase products not only impact our private lives but also have a direct effect on the climate crisis and the global economy. At a time when it is hard to escape the invasive marketing campaigns, we're offering a series of conferences and articles to help all of us stop a moment and reflect on what we buy, how we eat, how we are growing.

Serge Latouche

Degrowth as a Way Out of the Crisis

Serge latouche, economist and growth objector, on the solutions to the current crisis that degrowth can bring. Over the years of speculative and financial euphoria, it was quite common to find newspaper headlines proclaiming that the economy was doing well, but people weren't. This was a result ...

Rüdiger Safranski

About time

Reflecting on time is a recurrent concern in literature, philosophy and religion. The old enigma, however, has become a new problem because experience of time in the modern world changes in essential ways every day. How much acceleration can the human being bear? How is it possible to achieve ...

Jonathan Safran Foer

A provocative look at the subject of eating

The writerJonathan Safran Foer presents Comer animales, the Spanish language version of Eating Animals. The author of the successful novels Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close started writing this book when ...

Unknown Fields Division (Kate Davies & Liam Young)

The Influencers 2017

To meet our insatiable need for mineral and organic resources, we have stained rivers, razed forests and extended deserts. The objects we use every day carry within them the trace of this transformation. Every item of clothing is the product of systems that span the entire planet. Unknown Fields ...

Eat the world

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, direction and editing: Montse Pujol Solà Language: English, Spanish Duration: 16 minutes Synopsis: Fish from Senegal, fruit from Brazil and rice from China. The simple action of taking a product from ...

The life of toys: a moral journey

Soy cámara online

After the Christmas orgy of consumption, in which children are the main victims of many advertising campaigns, we offer a critical work about toys and their treatment in the audiovisual world. “Play is the mother of all habits” said Walter Benjamin, and based on this and other ideas, ...