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Kosmopolis 08. Donna Leon and Juan López de Uralde

Writers for Change: Ecologism

In this dialogue with Juan José López de Uralde (Director of Greenpeace in Spain), Donna Leon will explain her passion for ecological causes, which have gained an increasing presence in her novels. If in the first novels in the saga featuring Commissioner Brunetti, now almost a decade old, the theme was treated with certain caution, in the most recent ones ecology occupies a central position. Over the years, Brunetti has gone from being mildly irritated to consider that the deterioration of our planet has become one of our most pressing problems.

Like Brunetti, more and more people have begun to consider the damage that we have done to the planet, although, ironically, we take the plane to talk about it.

Related to Kosmopolis 2008, Kosmopolis

25 October 2008