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Júlia Cot and Tomàs Fuentes

Limits have humour

We are constantly hearing people talk about the limits of humour and Tweeters who are face prosecution because of jokes they have made. Tomàs Fuentes and Júlia Cot talk about some of these cases and reflect on how black humour fits into the meme universe. Are there memes on any subject or does white humour abound because they seek virality? And what are the limits of humour – if they exist – marked by? The internal elements of the meme, such as the subject dealt with or content of the image, or are they marked by a series of elements outside the meme in itself, such as the time context, or who sends it?

Participants: Júlia Cot, Tomàs Fuentes

Related to Memefest, Memefest 2018

3 March 2018