Kosmopolis 2011
The Amplified Literature fest
Kosmopolis is celebrating its sixth edition with the arrival of the spring. The Amplified Literature festival begins again.
Jonathan Safran Foer
A provocative look at the subject of eating
The writerJonathan Safran Foer presents Comer animales, the Spanish language version of Eating Animals. The author of the successful novels Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close started writing this book when ...
Kosmopolis 11. Afterpop. Fernández&Fernández
Poetic performance with Agustín Fernández Mallo and Eloy Fernández Porta
Afterpop. Fernández&Fernández is a spoken word duo formed by Agustín Fernández Mallo (La Coruña, 1967) and Eloy Fernández Porta (Barcelona, 1974). They performed for the first time at the Mutaciones congress in Malaga in 2007, alternating their ...
Kosmopolis 11. Out Spoken
Spoken Word with Francesca Beard
Francesca Beard has been described as ‘spine-tingling’ (The Independent) and ‘The Queen of British Performance Poetry (Metro). She has toured nationally and internationally and has been poet in residence at a number of institutions. Francesca brings her work into ...
Kosmopolis 11. Changing waves. From wikileaks to the Arabian riots
Dialogue with Sihem Bensedrine, Javeria Rizvi Kabani and Lali Sandiumenge
Kosmopolis 11. Words pave the way
Malika Ndlovu
Acclaimed South African performance poet Malika Ndlovu excavates universal themes of self-discovery, the claiming of voice for the silenced, personal and social transformation and the awakening of the human spirit. Her work is both biographical and globally political. Weaving a lyrical ...
Kosmopolis 11. How the books are born. Inside a writer's office
Claudio Magris in conversation with Josep Ramoneda
Dialogue between Claudio Magris and Josep Ramoneda about literary creation process on purpose of the exhibition The Trieste of Magris.
Kosmopolis 11. Interview with Ian McEwan
The British novelist Ian McEwan that participates at Kosmopolis 2011 explains what writing means to him.
D'bi.young Anitafrika
Performance of the dub poet during Kosmopolis 2011
D’bi.young Anitafrika is an Afro-Jamaican dub poet, performing artist and activist known worldwide as a visionary, innovator and leader in developing arts education. Her totally innovative performance style, known as the sorplusi method, has had an impact on the ...
Kosmopolis 11. Anticipating and creating
Dialogue with Ian McEwan and Jorge Wagensberg
Most novels mention, in their first sentence, space, time or both things at the same time. And, strangely enough time (“el tiempo”) is mentioned in one of the two meanings in Spanish: the parameter that we use to measure the speed of change or the weather as an allusion to ...
Kosmopolis 11. Bcn 2355
Writing Jam
Eight writers, a critic, an illustrator and three videoartists and VJs create the first collective novel live
Kosmopolis 11. Roundtable about Stanislaw Lem
Jerzy Jarzebski, Wojciech Orlinski, Fernando Ángel Moreno and David Torres
Kosmopolis 11. The reader of the future
Manuel Vicent
In the traditional event aimed at people working in areas related to libraries, as well as cultural agents, writer Manuel Vicent will reflect on the exercise of reading and the possible changes that new formats could spell for the cultivation of reading.
Kosmopolis 11. Out Spoken
Spoken Word with Laura Dockrill
Not only author and illustrator of Mistakes In The Background, Ugly Shy Girl and Echoes, Laura also resurrects her words on the stage performing poetry spanning festivals to bookshops; including London Literary Festival, Big Chill, E4 Udderbelly, Latitude and Domino festival in Brussels. Named one of the top ten literary talents by The Times.
Kosmopolis 11. Twitteratura
Narratives in 140 characters
The explosion of social networks and new communications platforms such as Facebook and Twitter has given rise to new forms of literature, tailored to these emerging formats. Specially for this edition of Kosmopolis, Hipermédula is running an online literary competition through Twitter, ...
Kosmopolis 11. Cafè Europa. Poetic XXI
Xavier Theros, Ajo, Chris Keulemans, Gonzalo Escarpa, Albert Balasch, Xavier Maristany, D’bi.young Anitafrika, Malika Ndlovu, Francesca Beard
Literary cafe with the participation of international writers and performers.
Kosmopolis 11. Voice of Lord - Glos Pana
Performance with Lukasz Szalankiewicz – Zenial
Sonic performance, in which a main source of sounds is an magnetic field controlled and detected by the walkmans. An important thing is an interference between different objects and high frequency, among which "Voice of Lord" are hearable like in the EVP / SETI technique – imitated ...
Kosmopolis 11. Giving birth. The adventure of birth part 1
Nicolás Buenaventura, Marta Gómez and Souleymane Mbodj
A show inspired on the act of giving birth and being born, of building oneself. It is based on several tales on the origin of music, creation and birth, sung by a feminine voice accompanied by music (guitar and percussion) and narrated by the creator of the show, Nicolás Buenaventura.