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William Kentridge

"William Kentridge" School activities

2020-2021 Course activities


From October to February we offer you visits, teacher training, workshops and online activities around the exhibition "William Kentridge. That Which is not Drawn."



In a particularly complicated course, from the CCCB we want to continue to assume our responsibility as an educating cultural entity and continue to defend culture as a fundamental right for all.

Visits to the exhibition

Visits to the exhibition on your own. Entrance for groups, with prior reservation, to be able to enjoy the exhibition in the way you prefer.

Guided tours adapted to diverse educational levels. Guided tour of the exhibition room, highlighting some of the reflections proposed by the author and thinking out with the students.

Dossier of educational opportunities



Bioscope, documentary animation workshop. To autorelate and become part of a collective biography. Brief visit to the exhibition with special emphasis on the moving audiovisual frieze More Sweetly Play the Dance, and a subsequent workshop to create a collaborative film that will be a parade of characters moving towards a common goal, based on elements that represent the entire group. The characters will be built with silhouettes, a representation of a person without connotations that allows us to highlight what we have in common and what makes us equal. Recommended for secondary and training cycles.

Web Bioscope. Do the animated film workshop yourself. If you prefer not to go out with the group outside the school or you are in a period of lockdown, we have created a platform so that you can carry out the activity independently and send us your film in any of the possible modalities: monologue, dialogue or colloquium. 

"Skin color"? Pictorial self-portrait workshop. Based on the Humanae project, by Angélica Dass. Space for debate and reflection on identity and its relationship with our skin color. Recommended for elementary school.

This activity is part of William Kentridge

Upcoming activities at the CCCB

Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation