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Urban Explorations

Urban Explorations

Each Map tells a Story



"Urban Explorations" is a small exhibition that gathers the gaze of more than a hundred young people on the Raval and Roquetes neighborhoods. The project incorporates their photographs and personal diaries, the interviews and the sound recordings that they have carried out during three months of inquiries, drifts and conversations.

This is a small sample that collects the vision of the 4th year ESO students of the Institut Miquel Tarradell and the Institut Escola Antaviana about El Raval and Roquetes, their neighbourhoods. For three months they write, draw, walk, talk among themselves and strive to locate on the map of their neighborhood, in the streets they walk every day, their memories, their fears and their desires, the things that really matter to them.

"Urban Explorations" is a project to sketch other possible maps in which the CCCB, Androna Cultura, A Bao A Qu, Mixité and the Miquel Tarradell and Antaviana institutes have participated. Teachers, students, artists, historians and cultural producers have worked side by side to make a place for themselves in the city.

This project is part of the program School in Residence, a collaboration between the CCCB amb INS Miquel Tarradell.

This activity is part of Urban Explorations

Upcoming activities at the CCCB

Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation