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Urban Explorations

Urban explorations

Lived cities and critical cartographies


An educational project that combines artistic experimentation around cartography with walks and ethnographic work with neighborhood organizations and groups.

Each map tells a story. Even the most conventional is a call to imagine, to fill in the gaps and omissions on which the cartographer has built his gaze. It is also an invitation to suspicion: what has been left out? Does the map represent us? What other cities are not listed? Urban explorations is an educational proposal aimed at young people in the Roquetes and Raval neighborhoods in collaboration with the Institut Escola Antaviana, the INS Miquel Tarradell and the Mixité, A Bao a Qu and Androna Cultura groups. Throughout the course, young people will explore their neighborhood with an eye on what has been left out of the maps, including their affections and imaginaries, to end up creating an imagined cartography that "makes room" for them, that collects and deepens its relationship with the environment.

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