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Biennial of Thought

The Mirror of Racism

Debate + Music


The recent wave of protests against racial discrimination around the world has drawn attention to that fact that racism in western societies is rooted in the very foundations of the system. This implies that being different means not being able to exist or not being allowed to live in conditions of equality and dignity. However, for some time now, many people have been thinking about community from a position of upholding difference and seeking unity in what separates us. What steps must we take to build a society where difference is not synonymous with discrimination? How can we imagine a future in which everyone can live?

The journalist Tania Adam, specialist in African societies and diasporas, will moderate this discussion about the possibilities of decolonising the future with a focus on the situation of racism in Spain. She will be joined by the Roma activist Pastora Filigrana, university lecturer Mostafà Shaimi, expert on racism and religious diversity, the African feminist activist and academic Esther (Mayoko) Ortega, and the French philosopher Elsa Dorlin, who researches into systems of domination at the intersections of gender, race, and sexuality. The African artist Daura Mangara, resident of Banyoles, will bring music to the session with some of his songs in protest against racial discrimination.

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