Presentation of exhibition "Amazons. The Ancestral Futur"
Friends of the CCCB
Exclusive for Friends of the CCCB
Claudi Carreras, curator of the exhibition, will give an exclusive presentation for the CCCB Friends. At the end we can visit the exhibition.
Amazons. The Ancestral Future takes us into the immense natural and cultural richness of the territory, cities and indigenous communities of the Amazon to discover the art, the thinking and the huge ecological impact of a region that is central for the future of the planet.
Far from offering a folkloric or fatalistic view of life in Amazonia, the exhibition defends the connection and the profound knowledge that its peoples have of nature and their ancestors. Amazonias. The Ancestral Future not only speaks of a valuable culture and ecosystem; it also makes us think about ourselves as a society, about the fragility of our environment, and about the urgent need to recover more respectful ways of living.
Presenters: Claudi Carreras
This activity is part of Amazons