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World Press Photo 2023

Photojournalism in armed conflicts

When information is a war weapon


Free with pre-booking

Photojournalists Enric Martí and Bernat Armangué, winners of the World Press Photo in previous editions, photojournalist Anna Surinyach and the Media Manager of Médecins Sans Frontières, Ivan M. García, talk to journalist Txell Feixas about photojournalism in war contexts.

In all war conflicts there is a battle of narratives in which information and propaganda often intersect and overlap. The fighting in Ukraine and Gaza is no exception and the battle to control the narrative has become another battlefront. Moreover, the lack of access of international photojournalists to war zones, as has been happening in the Gaza Strip or on the Russian side of the front in Ukraine, conditions our understanding and analysis of war conflicts. When all parties involved struggle to control the narrative, how do you ensure access to accurate information and testimony from the ground in a war?

As part of the World Press Photo 2023 exhibition, we will explore these issues with two members of the Associated Press (AP) photography team that won this year's Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the war in Ukraine, Enric Martí, AP senior photo editor, and photographer Bernat Armangué, both winners of the World Press Photo in previous editions. We will also count with the participation of the photojournalist and graphic editor of Revista 5W, Anna Surinyach, and Ivan M. García, journalist and Media Officer of Médecins Sans Frontières. The debate will be chaired by Txell Feixas, journalist and former correspondent of TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio in Beirut.

Moderators: Txell Feixas

Participants: Enric Martí, Bernat Armangué, Anna Surinyach, Ivan M. García

This activity is part of World Press Photo 2023

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Photojournalism in armed conflicts

When information is a war weapon

In all war conflicts there is a battle of narratives in which information and propaganda often intersect and overlap. When all parties involved struggle to control the narrative, how do you ensure access to accurate information and testimony from the ground in a war? As part of the World ...

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