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"Making Way". Research and creation project by young women from the Raval neighbourhood

Open call

Courses and workshops

This research and creation project invites young women from the Raval neighbourhood to explore how they inhabit the public space and to find out what place they occupy in the network of streets and squares that make up their neighbourhood. The research process will end with the creation of a short theatrical piece.

The project “Making Way” is an observatory, a conversation open to an array of voices and an artistic experimentation workshop all in one. During the three-month duration of the project (12 January - 2 March 2022), ten sessions will be held in which young women between the ages of 17 and 25 will share their experiences, compare them to those of women from other generations, and investigate their everyday environment. The young women will be accompanied by the Androna Cultura collective, with the participation of different experts in urban planning, history and feminism.

The Punt 6 Collective, the historian Isabel Segura, the feminist association Ca la Dona and the playwright and theatre director Carla Rovira will all be contributing to the project and, together with the young participants, will help to create a short play inspired by the results of the research.

“Making Way” is a project by the CCCB and Androna Cultura with funding from the 2020 Barcelona Award grants from Barcelona City Council.

Participants: Col·lectiu Punt 6

Directors: Androna Cultura

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