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I+C+i. Research and innovation in the cultural sphere

I+C+i #3 // Expanded education #2



In February 2010, we dealt with the impact of the digital context on education and learning methods. This new session will examine from a critical perspective the changes and the possibilities that the use of technology provides in schools and culture centres and how this will give way to a more fluent, and above all, a more relevant dialogue.

The CCCB’s online projects and, which encourage active participation, provide practical experience based on the common hypothesis according to which the role of receivers and consumers of culture must be reconsidered and their capacity of issuers and producers of knowledge must be acknowledged.


11-14 h // Case presentation. Pere Arcas (TV3), Juanjo Arranz (Biblioteques de Barcelona), Ramon Espelt (CCCB Education),Teresa Fèrriz (UOC), Sera Sánchez (CEES), Pepe Serra (Picasso Museum). Chairperson: Lali Bosch.

A round table discussion in which the point of view of the CCCB will be debated along with other practices that have been developed in Barcelona in recent years based on educational and cultural experiences in various areas: participatory museum, virtual library, open university, social education and educational television.

(!) Enrol in advance ([email protected])

18.30 // Presentation of the conclusions of the morning’s discussion

19-21 // Debate “Formats and New Formats”. Roberto Aparici
and Xavier Kirchner.

Debate on the influence of the universalization of information technologies in relations that exist, or which may be established, between culture centres and educational centres.

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I+C+i. Educació expandida #2

Case presentation

In February 2010, we dealt with the impact of the digital context on education and learning methods. This new session will examine from a critical perspective the changes and the possibilities that the use of technology provides in schools and culture centres and how this will give way to a ...

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I+C+i. Educació expandida #2

Debate with Roberto Aparici and Xavier Kirchner

In February 2010, we dealt with the impact of the digital context on education and learning methods. This new session will examine from a critical perspective the changes and the possibilities that the use of technology provides in schools and culture centres and how this will give way to a ...

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