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After the End of the World

Guided tour of “After the End of the World” and discussion on «The Consequences of Climate Change: A Geopolitical View of our Planet»

Courses and workshops


Guided tour of the exhibition “After the End of the World” and discussion on «The Consequences of Climate Change: A Geopolitical View of our Planet» The activity consists of a guided tour of the exhibition followed by a discussion.

During the course of the visit, the accent will be placed on the profound inter-dependencies affecting our planet and that connect all of its spheres (the environmental, the economic, the political, the social, the technical, the demographic, the cultural, etc.). At the same time the visit will also highlight the tendencies arising in these fields and where they may be leading us. In particular, the optimistic and pessimistic views that exist regarding the coming decades will be explained along with their plausible or questionable aspects. We will be asking ourselves: who is right and why?

Subsequently, in the discussion part, there will be debate on the possibilities that we have of influencing the course that the planet takes, on both an individual and a collective level, starting from the basis that the future is open, but it is also conditioned by the current starting point.

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