Frederic Bartumeus and Xavier Rodó in conversation
ICREA research professors, Frederic Bartumeus (CEAB-CSIC) and Xavier Rodó (ISGlobal), will discuss the role of climate change in the emergence and expansion of infectious diseases.
Could the malaria mosquito spread again throughout Europe? Although this may now seem a bold hypothesis, it is nonetheless true that climate change is already beginning to alter the geographical distribution of many infectious diseases that are susceptible to changes in temperature and rainfall patterns.
Indeed, the experts warn us that climate change could pose the greatest threat to global health. In order to mitigate its effects on the population, scientists are studying the interactions between climate and ecology in order to establish the patterns of distribution of diseases whose geographical spread may change over the coming years.
Moderators: Mercè Folch
Participants: Frederic Bartumeus, Xavier Rodó
This activity is part of After the End of the World, Planet 2050, ICREA-CCCB Debates
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