Celebrating #25yearsCCCB
Festive doors open weekend
On 24 February 1994, the CCCB opened its doors for the first time. Twenty-five years on, they’re open to everyone who wants to enjoy and support culture with us. Because there’s still lots to be done, and because we want to celebrate the future before us, we’ve organised a fun-packed weekend of free activities: concerts, film screenings, games for all the family and open doors.
Saturday 23
11.00 – 22.00 | Open doors
Open doors to the Stanley Kubrick exhibition and the Xcèntric Archive, which presents Flashes of Beauty, a special menu of 25 titles selected by Cloe Masotta.
18.30 – 20.00 | Young People in Debate
Auditorium CCCB
A competition with various teams of university students who’ll be debating the meaning of borders in the 21st century.
20.00 – 00.30 | Concerts*
An evening of music with concerts and DJ, presented by Bruno Sokolowicz:
20.00 | Anna Lanau
21.15 | Kids from Mars
22.15 | Side Chick
23.30 | AKKAN
*For reasons unrelated to the CCCB, the band The Mani-las will not participate in the anniversary. They will be replaced by Side Chick band.
Sunday 24
11.00 – 20.00 | Open doors
Open doors to the Stanley Kubrick exhibition and the Xcèntric Archive, which presents Flashes of Beauty, a special menu of 25 titles selected by Cloe Masotta.
11.00 – 13.00 | Screenings
Auditorium CCCB
11.00 | Screening of a selection of animation films: "Learning to Grow".
12.00 | Screening of the documentary Temps de Caritat ("A Time of Charity", Joan López Lloret, 2014).
11.00 – 14.30 | Morning of festive family
Pati de les Dones
Bruno Sokolowicz presents a morning of festive family and neighbourhood fun:
11.00 – 14.00 | Games for all the family: Mr Tonet’s Strange Journey (4 years and up) and The Journey (12 years and up), with Tombs Creatius.
11.00 | Urban dance show with Ohmah Dance Crew, F & F, CCSS, New Effect, AGMA, Noizy and Lilgizz.
12.00 | Performance by the Musical’s Choir, from the Escola de Músics i JPC music school.
13.00 | Performance by the Raval’s Band, from the Escola de Músics i JPC music school.