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William Kentridge

Bioscope projections for Christmas

Education + Audiovisuals


First screenings at CCCB of the collective documentary animation film that we are creating with all of you from the Bioscope workshops.

Inspired by the works of documentary animation by the South African artist William Kentridge, to whom the CCCB dedicates an exhibition, Bioscopi is a project that invites you to create small clips of documentary animation to build with this language, the stories of life not narrated so far.

With the sum of all the animated films that we have been receiving, for Christmas, we project the film that has been formed, an animated and collective biography of our city or territory, from the memories, the past and present stories, memories and future wishes of all participants.

This collective film can be seen at all times on the website and, now, we present it projected on the screen of the CCCB Hall, from 22 December to 10 January, continuously and free of charge during opening hours.

If you want to create your animated clip and be part of the movie, you can do it in two ways:

This activity is part of William Kentridge

Upcoming activities at the CCCB

Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation