Institut d'Humanitats
Aula Xcèntric (Xcèntric Workshop). The Dancing Death
Carnivalesque Subversion and Non-fiction Film
Cycle and seminar designed by Loïc Diaz Ronda and Andrés Duque
Xcèntric Workshop sets out by means of screenings, round tables and meetings with artists to discover unknown films, and think about and debate different aspects of the carnival aesthetic and its relevance to contemporary audiovisual creation and non-fiction film.
Participants: Loïc Díaz-Ronda, Andrés Duque, Mara Mattuschka, Ben Russell, Elena Oroz, Juan Antonio Suárez, Miguel Fernández Labayen, Josetxo Cerdán Los Arcos
This activity is part of Institut d'Humanitats. Course 10/11, Institut d'Humanitats, Xcèntric. 2010-2011