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Francesc Tosquelles

An aperitif with Ràdio Nikosia

Conversations about madness and the word


The Ràdio Nikosia community takes its discussion panel out into the courtyard of the CCCB to broadcast two live programs about madness and the word in the framework of the exhibition about Francesc Tosquelles. For two Saturday mornings, with them and some special guests, we’ll be sharing ideas and experiences without fear of digression, vulnerability or error.

To pay tribute to Tosquelles’ idea of giving power to the people and the importance he placed on spaces for meeting and exchange, we’re opening the microphones of Ràdio Nikosia for two Saturday mornings in the Pati de les Dones courtyard at the CCCB. We’ll be chatting, giving power to the people, and celebrating this occasion to think together with live music and an aperitif.

Ràdio Nikosia is a radio program that sets out to remove the stigma surrounding mental suffering and accompany those affected by it. The program’s regular contributors will be joined by Metzineres, psychiatrist Àngels Vives Belmonte, visual artist Nora Ancarola, psychoanalyst Celeste Reyna and thinker Amador-Fernández-Savater. Each session will close with an aperitif and live music.

Saturday 21 May
Humanizing madness
Ràdio Nikosia with Metzineres and Àngels Vives Belmonte, with music by Joan Garriga

“Madness”, said Tosquelles, “is the stone inside the human being; we cannot swallow it, but without it, the fruit—humankind—would never have existed”. Who decides who is mad and who is normal? What do the voices that live in the fringes of reason tell us about this normalcy? And today, when we speak of “mental health problems”, what are we referring to? We’ll be talking about all this with the Ràdio Nikosia community, Àngels Vives Belmonte (paediatrician, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst) and Metzineres, a not-for-profit cooperative that weaves a community for women and non-binary people affected by violence, stigma and the war against drugs.

We will end the morning in the company of the accordion and the rumba sounds of Joan Garriga.

Saturday 28 May
Speaking the other’s language
Ràdio Nikosia with Nora Ancarola, Celeste Reyna and Amador Fernández-Savater

Tosquelles was known to speak French poorly, to the extent that he is said to have created his own dialect, “Catafrench”. Pretending to be a foreigner, he said, prompts the other to make an effort to understand, to step outside established frameworks, to open up and embrace difference. Who has a voice in our society? When we talk, what are the boundaries separating us? And what if artistic languages were tools to create areas of freedom that we could all enter? 

A program about the word and borders, the dangers of translation and the power of artistic languages, in the company of Nora Ancarola, Celeste Reyna and Amador Fernández-Savater.

Nora Ancarola is a visual artist who has collaborated with psychoanalyst Celeste Reyna on the community art project “Puc entrar la meva veu aquí. Recorreguts tosquellians”. Amador Fernández-Savater is a thinker, independent researcher and activist. He collaborated with Ancarola on the collective work Polititzacions del malestar (2017), and his latest book, La fuerza de los débiles; ensayo sobre la eficacia política (2021), reflects on “translation” as “a semiotic war” to assimilate and erase the other.

Presenters: Radio Nikosia

Participants: Nora Ancarola, Celeste Reyna, Amador Fernández-Savater

This activity is part of Francesc Tosquelles

Upcoming activities at the CCCB


The Ancestral Future

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