Adolescence. Transgression, risk, foster care
A conversation with Luis Feduchi and Lluís Duch
Adolescence as a stage of transition to an adult identity is determined by culture. How does contemporary society accommodate this process? How does it receive the sometimes rule-breaking novelty introduced by its new members? This is a society marked by changes that are happening so fast that they jeopardise intergenerational transmission of knowledge and values, increase complexity and exacerbate feelings of uncertainty. A highly creative society but one also threatened by a return to authoritarianism or the repudiation of social values which characterises utilitarianism and individualism. An adolescent society? From the “gangs of the 80s” to the “tyrant-teen of the new century”. How is the eternal conflict between generations being dealt with today? All these questions will all be discussed by Luis Feduchi, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst specialising in adolescence, and Lluis Duch, anthropologist and analyst of contemporary society.
Moderators: Jorge Tió
Participants: Lluís Duch, Luis Feduchi Benlliure
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Adolescence. Transgression, risk, foster care
Conversation with Luis Feduchi and Lluís Duch
A conversation with Luis Feduchi, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst specialising in adolescence, and Lluis Duch, anthropologist and analyst of contemporary society, on adolescence and how contemporary society accommodates this process.