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Lluís Duch

Lluís Duch (Barcelona, 1936) is an anthropologist, theologian and monk of the Abbey of Montserrat. He has written a considerable number of books, notable amongst which are the multivolume work Antropologia de la vida quotidiana (Anthropology of Everyday Life, 1999-2003). Among his more recent works are Religió i comunicació (Religion and Communication – Fragmenta, 2010) and L’ambigüitat de la puresa (The Ambiguity of Purity – CCCB, 2009), together with the Albert Chillón’s interview, La condición ambigua. Diálogos con Lluís Duch (The Ambiguous Condition: Dialogues with Lluís Duch – Herder, 2011) and this new book in his honour, Emparaular el món. El pensament antropològic de Lluís Duch (Fragmenta, 2011). 

Update: 23 November 2016


Centre Documentació i Debat


Has participated in

The City (and Its Circumstances)

Seminar by Lluís Duch

Adolescence. Transgression, risk, foster care

A conversation with Luis Feduchi and Lluís Duch

The banalisation of the word

Lecture by Lluis Duch

The Religious Ambiguity of Purity

Lecture by Lluís Duch