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Thinking About the Pandemic

A conversation with Ricard Solé and Núria Jar

Virus, Ecosystems and Pandemic: The Challenge of Understanding Complexity



In this session, ICREA Research Professor Ricard Solé (Pompeu Fabra University and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies - ICREA), expert in analysing complex systems and synthetic biology, will speak with the journalist Núria Jar about the evolutionary dynamics of viruses, their importance for ecosystems, and the impact of the present pandemic on ways of working in science.

The coronavirus that has caused COVID-19 is just one of millions of viruses that exist in our surroundings and of which, as yet, we only know a very small proportion. The world of viruses, or the virosphere as scientists call it, is a highly complex system with far-reaching implications in the balance of all the planet’s ecosystems. In fact, we now know that viruses are to be found at the origin of life and, in great measure, sustain it. With the challenge of understanding better how they function, it has become evident in recent months that the work of science must be transdisciplinary, from biology and medicine to physics and mathematics, as an essential method for approaching the complexity of this still largely unknown microscopic world.

This session has been jointly organised with the Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA).

The discussion has been prerecorded in order to guarantee its technical quality and to comply with the current restrictions of movement. It will be broadcast on the CCCB website.

Participants: Núria Jar, Ricard Solé

This activity is part of Thinking About the Pandemic

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Ricard Solé and Núria Jar

Virus, Ecosystems and Pandemic: The Challenge of Understanding Complexity

In this session, ICREA Research Professor Ricard Solé (Pompeu Fabra University and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies - ICREA), expert in analysing complex systems and synthetic biology, will speak with the journalist Núria Jar about the evolutionary dynamics of viruses, their importance for ecosystems, and the impact of the present pandemic on ways of working in science.

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