Post-it City
Occasional Urbanities
Sala Fundación Cruzcampo (Málaga)
The concept of post-it city describes the temporary occupation of public space for commercial, leisure or any other purpose, with the shared characteristic that it leaves no trace and self-manages its appearances and disappearances.
Multidisciplinary teams in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa have collaborated in this project that aims to piece together the puzzle of the informal city: spontaneous settlements, self-managed leisure, recycling as a strategy of survival and imagination, alternative housing and other post-it city phenomena that highlight the reality of the urban territory as the place where different uses and situations overlap, in contrast with growing pressure to homogenize public space.
Malagajoins the list of networked cities in which teams of young researchers from Europe, North and South America, Asia andAfricahave taken part. It will contribute the results of the workshop to research spontaneous uses of public space which will be carried out by students at theUniversityofMalagain the Sala Fundación Cruzcampo.
Curators: Martí Peran