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In the margins of Europe

Rusia, in the margins of Europe

“In the margins of Europe” is a CCCB project that aims to spark a reflection on the European project departing from its geographic and symbolic periphery. This series approaches the political and social reality of contemporary Russia, a country that is at once unknown to many yet crucial for understanding the present.

Over a quarter century after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has once again emerged as a central geopolitical player. Its complex relationship with the European project, the authoritarianism of its leaders and the importance of its vast energy resources are a source of tension for the continent. Yet European history cannot be understood without considering the country’s cultural, scientific and political contributions. Beyond the political spectacle lies a fascinating country that plays an indispensable part in understanding the present and contemplating the future of the world we live in.


This activity is part of In the margins of Europe

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In this lecture, the renown journalist and researcher Judy Dempsey reflects on Russia's role in the European continent and its geopolitical implications.

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Mikhail Zygar

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Previous activities

Is Russia Europe?

Lecture by Judy Dempsey

Putin's Russia

Lecture by Mikhail Zygar

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