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Orwell Day

Orwell Day 2020

The New Surveillance Era

In a world that is profoundly transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Orwell Day will be held again this year with two discussions referring to the present relevance of Orwell’s work. On the one hand, the present crisis has placed at the centre of debate the security/freedom dichotomy, in a context in which the possibilities of population control for health reasons are expanding. On the other, the exceptional situation of confinement has meant that screens have become a very important way of connecting the world, thus opening up a scenario that makes the novel 1984 a classic that is more relevant than ever.

The Orwell Day is an initiative developed since its beginnings with the Orwell Day Collective and that is celebrated in collaboration with the PEN Català and The Orwell Foundation.

This activity is part of Orwell Day

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Dorian Lynskey and Jordi Puntí

The Present Relevance of "1984"

The cultural journalist Dorian Lynskey speaks with the writer Jordi Puntí about the influence of the book 1984 in the contemporary cultural imaginary and its impact in the new generations.

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Marta Peirano and Peter Pomerantsev

Technology, Digital Surveillance, and Disinformation

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Previous activities

Dorian Lynskey and Jordi Puntí

The Present Relevance of "1984"

Marta Peirano and Peter Pomerantsev

Technology, Digital Surveillance, and Disinformation

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